Back in June, I received my first official shirt from the American Cancer Society (ACS) and I couldn’t have been more excited to receive it! I had no idea I was getting it! I mean, I knew I would be getting a shirt at some point but I didn’t know when. It was the first time I felt like I was really going to be a part of something much bigger than myself. Running the Chicago Marathon in a few short weeks isn’t about me this time around. It’s about others.
Fundraising on behalf of the ACS is a challenge I passionately decided to partake in, and while there were many other wonderful charities to contribute to, it was a no-brainer I would choose an organization helping and supporting people diagnosed with, and undergoing treatment for cancer, since cancer has affected people I care about and have lost to.
When I received my shirt, I couldn’t wait to wear it because it represented something greater than merely running 26.2 miles. I could run 26.2 miles in any shirt, but this one, yeah, this one is special.
However, I didn’t want to just toss on the ACS shirt for any ol’ run. I felt like I had to earn it. So, I made it a goal that when I reached 75% of my fundraising minimum, I would be able to proudly wear it, and proudly wear it I did for the first time last Saturday for 13 miles!
Through a few wonderful donations last week, I reached my first goal of reaching 75% and now I’m ready to make a new goal!!
Over the weekend I receive another item from the American Cancer Society. This time I got a singlet!! Yes!!
But I can’t wear it yet. I can’t wear it until I reach 90% of my fundraising minimum and I’m SO CLOSE!! In fact, I’m so close to reaching my ultimate goal of getting the entire amount!!
You can help me reach my goals by supporting my efforts here on this link.
I know I’m not going to be the person who cures cancer. But I will do something, if I can help at least one person diagnosed with this disease, because who knows, that person could be you. And it could be me.
Thank you for reading and thank you to all those who have contributed. I am so eternally grateful!
Much love!