2.00 miles These miles were all I could squeeze in today. Saturday has been exhausting and not from the short walk, but some of that exhaustion was from trying to find my lip balm for tomorrow’s long run. I found it. Thank you for reading my daily post on my Chicago Marathon training.
Author: arunningmess
Chicago Marathon Training: F 7.29.22
5.53 miles It was an interesting day in a not-so-great surprising way but that’s life. These were some much-needed walking miles. But you can say I’m looking forward to my long run this weekend. Thank you for reading my daily post on my Chicago Marathon training.
Chicago Marathon Training: Th 7.28.22
0 miles – Rest Day Today was a planned rest day with no miles covered but I did get in some strength and mobility exercises so I suppose it was more of a cross-training day. Making sure I am more consistent with that especially as miles are going to ramp up even more very soon….
Chicago Marathon Training: W 7.27.22
AM – 2.15 miles PM – 6.0 miles Double run today and there may be more of these coming up if I’m aiming to finish the GVRAT next month. I can’t believe August is around the corner! Currently, I’m primed to finish the GVRAT towards the end of September and part of me really wants…
Chicago Marathon Training: Tu 7.26.22
6.35 miles Someone shared this quote in an email I read today: “Don’t count the days. Make the days count.” – Muhammad Ali I love this one. Thank you for reading my daily post on my Chicago Marathon training.
Chicago Marathon Training: M 7.25.22
4.60 miles I’m beginning Week 8 feeling a renewed energy within me where I’m focusing on staying more present with each day and each run. These were slow and easy miles with strength and mobility exercises sprinkled in, and the mind and body felt like they were on the same page again. In Martha Stewart…
Chicago Marathon Training: Sun 7.24.22
2.20 miles Week 7 is in the books after today’s recovery walking miles. I can feel some slight soreness in my hips so I’ll be paying more attention to them this week. I think I’m still trying to process what happened to my mindset during yesterday’s long run. Physically I felt fine, but it was…
Chicago Marathon Training: Sat 7.23.22
12.10 miles Part of me is surprised how the idea of completing 26.2 miles which is something I’ve done several times before, triggered some anxiety in me today. It came out of nowhere. It’s the end of Week 7 and I’m already scared I won’t be ready. Overall I felt physically good today even with…