While hiking up Mt. Wilson was certainly a highlight in training, I’ve had a couple of pretty nice trail adventures since then.
Author: arunningmess
a day on mount wilson
Trekking up Mt. Wilson is something I’ve been wanting to do for a really long time. So when my friend Crystal forwarded me an invitation to go, I knew I had to. Now, I’ll say this, going into this hike (and it was a LOT of hiking), I was pretty nervous about it because I’ve always heard…
music monday: break my stride
There has been a brief break in the Music Monday postings and while it wasn’t exactly intentional, it has been a little necessary. Life has been treading on the hectic and busy side, not to mention a shifting side (I’ll get to that in the next post), and sadly Music Monday did not make my high priority…
heading to the windy city
Every runner has their share of milestones: first 5K, half marathon, marathon, blister, black toenail, injury, maybe even an ultra. When I signed up for my first marathon back in 2000, I had only done a few small short distance races and nothing time shattering. I hadn’t even completed a half marathon yet! At the…
the price you pay for the boss
Starting last week’s training after running the Run Deo Run 50K, I knew I’d have some challenges. Having a couple of days off would be expected for me and it would leave Wednesday to run. At least that was the initial plan…until I was faced with seeing The Boss.
my baby turns 5!
March 17, 2011 This was the day A Running Mess was born. My baby is officially 5 years old! My oh my how time flies since the very first blog post, toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in kansas anymore. The blog you see now, was not the blog I had then. Just like people, this…
run deo run 50k 2016
Ohhhh the magical world of UltraSignup. If you ever find yourself on this site — beware. You could find yourself gazing deep into it’s Hot List and the Deal pages’ eyes and before you know it, 8 hours of your life have passed by and you didn’t even stop for snacks. If I could describe…
a shift in perspective: ultra ordinary running style
Lately I’ve been feeling like something has been clicking with training. That is, until last week where nothing seemed to have clicked, and I’ll get to that in a bit. But, as far as the clicking portion is concerned, I’ll say it has a lot to do with the Ultra Ordinary Running Podcast.