In case you were wondering where Music Monday was, well wonder no more. The past couple of weeks have been pretty busy in my corner and I couldn’t muster up the energy or time to write them up. Sorry. I hope you didn’t have too many sleepless nights concerned if Music Monday was coming back. Well, it is!
Author: arunningmess
miwok 100k training: 11 weeks to go
I can honestly say last week’s training went as I had hoped. Turns out planning kinda helps! Because I’ve had some low mileage weeks, due to being out sick and recovering from the San Diego 50, I wanted to ease back up to training and not immediately jump from zero to 40 or 50 mile training…
spectating the u.s. olympic marathon trials
When I started last week’s training I was definitely concerned about the foreseeable lack of foot work due to a busy week ahead of me. As I planned my week I made sure I was honest with myself and didn’t mark down training days I knew deep down I wouldn’t fulfill. For example, scheduling a 12 mile run…
a challenging week
If I were to choose one word to describe my running week so far, it would be: Challenging. The funny thing is, this week isn’t even over with yet! When I started coming up with a plan of how my training was going to look like this week, I imagined me hitting all the right notes and making my…
music monday: i love la
Today’s Music Monday was pretty much a no-brainer. Considering next Sunday is the LA Marathon, I had to go with “I Love LA” by Randy Newman since it’s the song that sends off the runners through 26.2 miles of Los Angeles! More specifically, Downtown LA, Echo Park, Silverlake, Los Feliz, Hollywood, West Hollywood, Beverly Hills,…
miwok 100k training: 13 weeks to go
When I started to count up the number of weeks until the Miwok 100K, I had some crazy notion I was staring down something like 16, possibly 20 weeks until race day. Boy was I wrong!!! 13 weeks until I head up to San Francisco for the biggest race of my life thus far! And I…
music monday: keep on walking
Last week when I was fighting a bout with insomnia there was one song which immediately popped in my head simply because of the very first line. Darn youuu Passenger!!
when insomnia created me a facebook page
So my plan to resume training on Wednesday morning didn’t quite pan out as I had hoped because apparently somebody decided Tuesday night was the most opportune time to blast insanely loud thrashing death metal music outside my window. Now, I could go on and blame this person for waking me up, causing me to have mild…