I honestly wouldn’t know how to eloquently recap my running year. I fell in love with trail running and ran my first trail race. I completed my first marathon in two years. I ran a number of smaller races and in the past month have dealt with a little injury that has sidelined my running a lot.
Author: arunningmess
portland marathon 2012
The Portland Marathon has been on my race radar for years. Timing never worked out perfectly though, but I made sure 2012 was the year I crossed Portland off my list. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about this race – well organized, best swag, beautiful city, friendly people – yeah, yeah, I just wanted to visit Portlandia! I…
bulldog trail race 25k 2012
I honestly can’t believe it’s been a month since the Bulldog Trail Run 25K took place and I still can’t believe I did it!! The past few weeks have been the most seriously exhausting, fun filled weeks I’ve had all year so getting around to writing up my thoughts on my first trail run kept getting pushed back…
bulldog course preview
This morning I got my first little taste of the Bulldog Trail Run course. Much to my surprise when I arrived around 6:30am, it was raining! Rain in August?! Who would’ve thunkit? It was a light rain and cooled the morning down but I’m sure come race day, the weather conditions will be very different. I…
first long trail run
Whoa! I seriously can’t believe we’re in the middle of July already. I honestly don’t know where June went, but wherever it went, I sure hope it had a good time. I guess my goal of writing more didn’t quite happen. Whups. I’ll work on that.
welcome to week 1
This week is actually Week 1 and I am officially in training mode! How exciting! Ok maybe not that exciting, but even this little hint of excitement is a welcomed feeling since I haven’t looked forward to marathon training in a loooong while (which is why I haven’t done one in so long).
races coming up
Since my last marathon in October 2010, I’ve stuck to running half marathons with a 5K and some 10K’s tossed in there for some variety. I had a feeling this would be the year I was going to be ready to get back to marathon distance and I knew just the race I wanted because it’s one that’s been…
memorial day fun
Happy Memorial Day! This day really isn’t just about a day off from work or school, or firing up the BBQ for some hot grilled veggies, or lounging around all day doing absolutely nothing, it’s about remembering those who have served our country. Today I took a moment to appreciate that and to give thanks to all…