This run was mentally tough on me, but I had 10 miles on my plate and I was determined to finish everything on it.
Author: arunningmess
keeping pace with: wanda
Although I met fellow runner, Wanda, a year ago, I realized I knew nothing about how she got started running. Taking up running several years ago after breaking up with a boyfriend, Wanda wanted a “positive way of getting over him” so she decided to train for the LA Marathon. Since then, she’s run seven…
l.a. leggers: 7 miles
For some reason when I woke up this morning I really wasn’t feeling the run I had ahead of me. Could it possibly be due to the fact I hardly slept last night? Very possible. I certainly didn’t have that real nice restful sleep. It was more like I was asleep, but I really wasn’t…
l.a. leggers: 6 miles
I made it out bright dark and early Saturday morning and I decided not to run before the pre-run talk.
missing the disneyland half just a little
Waking up this morning I realized the Disneyland Half Marathon takes place today. In fact, as I write this most people are either finished, or very close to finishing. This was probably another reason why it was a little less crowded at Leggers yesterday. I completely forgot all about this race!
first day of running school
Even though I’ve woken up before 5AM on a Saturday morning for other things, it’s seriously been awhile since I’ve woken up before 5AM for a run. With the start of the LA Leggers training season beginning today, I felt like it was the first day of school. The first day of running school that…
my mom turns 4 years old today
One of the most kindest, compassionate, loving, and most giving persons in the world is having her birthday today…no, not Oprah…my mom!!
terry fox
In years past, I’ve always heard the name Terry Fox, but I didn’t really know the significance of his name until last year when I watched a documentary called “Into the Wind.” It was by far one of the most inspiring films I had ever seen.