A few weeks ago, when my friend Melody and I got together for a trail run, it was dark and we weren’t thoroughly prepared for it. Two weeks ago, we met up at a slightly earlier time and were better prepared for darkness. That is, after I dug my headlamp out of my drawer it still…
Bye September. Hello October.
I actually began writing this post half way through the month of September and was going to say how I couldn’t believe we were already half way through the month and lookie here, the month is already over! So I guess I should say instead, I can’t believe September is already over. Someone told me…
Short and Sweet September Goals
If there are was anything greatly lacking from my running repertoire the last several months, it was goals. And now that a new month is here, it’s time to set some! Because I decided to take the rest of the year off from races, I’ve pretty much free floated from day-to-day and didn’t really set…
August is Over and So Is Off-Season
Never has a month flown by so fast as August just did. It seems like every day I was talking to somebody about how the days were flying by and I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised since August has been a notoriously busy month for me. And this one was so no different as it…
Letting Go
It’s currently Saturday afternoon when I’m writing this and in this moment, my body is feeling tired and my throat feels funky. It’s not a full-on sore throat, but it feels like there is a slight pressure. I’ve had this feeling before earlier in the summer, and was able to finagle my way out of…
Off The Grid: June For The Rebound
Recently I took some time to catch up on something I’ve neglected updating these past several months: my running and training journal. I’m usually pretty good about marking my runs with any notes on how I feel, or any aches and pains creeping up as they happen, but it’s the annual mileage I usually forget…
Off The Grid: And On The Trails Again
The June Gloom has settled nicely here in SoCal. It’s this kind of weather I enjoy, and at the same time, I don’t. The morning is foggy and filled with cloudy, overcast skies, but later it tends to burn off, leaving an aura of glary haziness. The temperature itself starts out cool, but that humidity hovers, until…
Off The Grid: What Now?
Right now I’m staring at a blank page trying to come up with something to say because I realize I haven’t written or I should say, posted, anything in a hot minute. When I decided to embark on this social media hiatus (no Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram in May) I really had no idea what…