Had I initially wrote and posted this last week, the tone would’ve most likely been a little more subdued. The past couple of weeks have been interesting to say the least. To be completely honest, running has been a struggle, and I’ve had to fight for every inch of every mile.
music monday: thriller
Halloween week and I have a treat for you! Yes, I just HAD to include one of the most iconic Halloween songs ever for my Music Monday post! How could i not??? “Thriller” is a classic!
tv shows created for runners
Fall has begun (well, not if you’re in Los Angeles where we’re still getting temperatures in the 80s and 90s on most days), and with Fall comes a brand new season of television shows. Now, I watch my fair share of television even without a T.V. or cable. Hellooo? Hulu and Netflix! But of course there are also…
a change of race
Sunday morning couldn’t have started better. Waking up early before my alarm was to go off, I had plenty of time to eat, get ready, and get out to the trails before meeting up with the group training run for the Griffith Park Trail Half Marathon. Cloud cover made the morning unusually darker than usual…
running helps
Initially I had planned to post another piece but I decided to scratch it last minute. Writing these thoughts I’ve had this week and getting them out of my head is very therapeutic to me. It’s one reason I have a blog in the first place. Of course, I also have a journal and I…
music monday: injuries (as told through 80s songs)
No. “Injuries as told through 80s songs” is not the name of a song. And yes, I Googled it just to be sure. There’s no doubt I’ve had my share of injuries. Currently, I have a few friends suffering from ailments which are preventing them from running, or enjoying running more. The following song list is for…
one month to go: ray miller
Last week was a big first for me. I ran on Monday evening. I ran on Friday evening. And I ran late Sunday afternoon/early evening. That quite possibly was the first time I ever did that! In the same week! Wait, let me think….
music monday: superheroes
I’m not embarrassed or ashamed to admit the first time I saw today’s Music Monday video, “Superheroes” by The Script, it made me cry. I can’t think of another song or video off the top of my head where it affected me like that. But I read something this week that made me think of this song.