3.18 miles I’ll admit yesterday’s run left me confused and discouraged so today I grabbed my Speedgoats and Feetures socks and whispered to them, “You’re both going to the show.” We all went out for a 3.18 mile run and my entire body from head to toe felt solid and ready for next weekend. My…
Chicago Marathon Training: Sat 10.01.22
6.05 miles A cyclone of thoughts whirled around in my head during what I hoped was an easy relaxed run, but my feet had other ideas. Since this was a shorter long run, I woke up a little later than I have been on the weekends. Today it was closer to 6 AM because I…
Chicago Marathon Training: F 09.30.22
1.60 miles During today’s easy walk, it dawned on me that today is the second to the last time I will prepare my clothes and gear for the long run, and for a moment I felt a little sad about it. But that’s only because it’s the last long run before heading to Chicago. The…
Chicago Marathon Training: Th 09.29.22
3.32 miles Keeping my miles low during this taper gives me a glimpse of what I’ll do once Chicago is over. Low and easy mileage until I can pinpoint what my new goals are which I have no idea about at this point. For now, just going to focus on what is ahead of me…
Chicago Marathon Training: W 09.28.22
4.03 miles Today’s run felt nice and relaxed which I hope to carry with me for the remainder of these training days and in the race itself. I am making sleep much more of a priority now and that is helping. And why didn’t I do that earlier? Hmm, good question. Last night I immersed…
Chicago Marathon Training: Tu 09.27.22
4.47 miles The excitement for the race is certainly building more and more each day. I think once I complete my final long run this weekend is when it’ll truly hit me that training is over and the race is around the corner. Until then, I’m just trying to savor these last couple of weeks…
Chicago Marathon Training: M 09.26.22
0 miles – Rest Day I’ve reached the last 2 weeks of training and it’s during this time that every day my emotions will be flipping back and forth between excitement and nervousness and everything in between. One day I will feel complete confidence in my preparation with no level of uncertainty detected and the…
Chicago Marathon Training: Sun 09.25.22
2.35 miles I interrupted my precious sleep last night by waking up at midnight to watch the Berlin Marathon and what a race that was! Oh, em gee that was epic with Eliud Kipchoge breaking his new World Record and Tigist Assefa taking the course record on the women’s race! It was so much fun…