8.08 miles The great thing about slow easy miles for me is the ability to run again the next day with minimal soreness. While my legs were a little tired, that was the whole point of running today. The goal was to run a few miles but I was only aiming for about 5 and…
Chicago Marathon Training: Sat 8.06.22
10.03 miles When I woke up, I wasn’t feeling the best. Yesterday afternoon I had a headache. After a couple of Tylenol, it went away but returned later last night. Waking up this morning I could feel the headache trying to surface again but it held off. After eating a couple of pieces of toast…
Chicago Marathon Training: F 8.05.22
0 miles – Rest Day My body felt like resting today so I listened to it and gave it what it was needing. Rest is good. Thank you for reading my daily post on my Chicago Marathon training.
Chicago Marathon Training: Th 8.04.22
7.44 miles Everything clicked today. I do these miles slow enough with the hope there is excess energy from the day before to carry me into the next run, or at least that is the goal and everything clicked today. My energy was there. My body was happy. My mindset was focused. Today’s run was…
Chicago Marathon Training: W 8.03.22
5.30 miles There were 7 miles on the plan today but I didn’t gauge my time correctly and had to cut it short. Plus my lovely Feetures sock felt kind of slippery in my lovely Hoka Bondi shoes and I thought it might lead to blisters which I have successfully avoided the past few weeks….
Chicago Marathon Training: Tu 8.02.22
3.24 miles Feeling a little overwhelmed with life right now. Especially today. It’s good. It’s fine. But just a pinch of overwhelm in there. A double run was needed today but perhaps tomorrow. Maybe. Thank you for reading my daily post on my Chicago Marathon training.
Chicago Marathon Training: M 8.01.22
4.15 miles Had I tackled those long miles yesterday on the road, I don’t believe my legs would’ve had any oomph in them for today’s slow easy recovery run. Trails allow me to bounce back faster. However, this could be deceiving since I tend not to notice the soreness until the second day so scratch…
Chicago Marathon Training: Sun 7.31.22
14.25 miles It’s been several hours since I finished my long miles, and my feet still feel achy, which I know will subside by the morning. The trails were on the quiet side when I got out there just before 8 AM but I shouldn’t be surprised since they tend to be quieter on Sundays….